
These cookies are special because they do not contain dairy products and eggs. In our recipe we have combined sweet dates and nuts, so our cookies are very nutritious and healthy.

Coconut cookies 215 g
Coconut cookies 215 g
Coconut cookies 215 g
Energy:408,5 кКал / 1710 kJ
Protein:6,22 г
Total lipid (fat):21,91 г
Saturated fats:14,08 г
Carbohydrates:38,6 г
Fiber:29,96 г
Sugars:24,96 г
Energy:408,5 кКал / 1710 kJ
Protein:6,22 г
Total lipid (fat):21,91 г
Saturated fats:14,08 г
Carbohydrates:38,6 г
Fiber:29,96 г
Sugars:24,96 г

Coconut cookies 215 g

These cookies are special because they do not contain dairy products and eggs. In our recipe we have combined sweet dates and nuts, so our cookies are very nutritious and healthy.

Cookies that you do not want to share with anyone, because of the incredible taste and natural composition.

Ingredients: flaked coconut, coconut flour, chicory syrup, dates, hazelnuts.

Net weight: 200 g + - 5 g

Total weight: 215 g +/- 7 g

Delivery by Nova Poshta is FREE of charge for orders over UAH 950 (for goods that are not on sale)


Coconut cookies with hazelnuts and dates are created according to a special recipe and are a source of useful fats, amino acids, micro- and macronutrients that our body needs every day to normalize work of your body.

At the heart of the cookies are coconut shavings and coconut flour, which have retained almost all the useful qualities of fresh coconut. Chicory syrup is a low-calorie sugar substitute, rich in fiber, contains 85% inulin (a natural prebiotic) and has a low glycemic index of 15. Dates not only sweeten the taste of cookies, it contains 23 types of amino acids, it helps to quickly restore energy and strengthen the system. And hazelnuts are a source of vegetable protein, rich in vitamin E, which is known as the vitamin of youth.

Each small cookie is handmade with the care and love that is felt in each bite, and the main feature of the cookie is the lack of flour, sugar and eggs, so that everyone who follows their diet can enjoy delicious without harm to health, and even vice versa. in each piece.

Shelf life 6 months at a temperature from 0 to 21C and relative humidity to 65%

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